The Cultural Diversity Code is a practical instrument, which has been developed in 2011 to assist the Dutch governing bodies and staff of Dutch cultural institutions that receive public funding. The Code offers both a general framework and concrete guidelines that will allow cultural diversity to be firmly embedded within the organisation.

Cultuurarchitect Consultancy and BINOQ ATANA will be introducing the Cultural Diversity Code in Wroclaw, starting 2016, in a project called WRO-MIX. The purpose of WRO-MIX is to create a coalition of people of goodwill, through positive and factual highlighting of the subject of tolerance and cultural diversity in Wroclaw. WRO-MIX will engage active citizens, local authorities, NGOs and networks of experts (in Poland and abroad) who wish to share specific experience or good practices in relation to the issue of tolerance and cultural diversity.

WRO-MIX will consist of four highly qualitative public debates and a closing conference.

The four debate themes will be: identity, urban agenda, education and good governance. The first debate is preliminarily planned for autumn 2016. The debate series will be closed with a WRO-MIX working conference embracing all four subjects, with a focus to name concrete, workable goals for the future of the city. The Cultural Diversity Code will be translated into Polish and will be presented during the WRO-MIX conference.

The WRO-MIX presentation during the Traces of Multiculturalism in Central Europe consists of Prezi presentation by Jacek Rajewski (20 minutes), combined with a crowdsourcing, interactive lab (30 minutes max.) probing the four debate themes with the conference public (4 round tables, no pre-registration required). The purpose of the lab is to sample various individual interpretations of the four themes in an open round-table discussion.

Other purpose of the WRO-MIX presentation is networking of the project ahead of the first debate, connecting it with local and international scholar base – WRO-MIX is looking for relevant panellists as well as for an engaged, debating public.

You are cordially invited to attend and to take an active part in the lab! Admission is free, eventual confirmations or remarks can be directed via jacek@cultuurarchitect.nl


Invitation to project presentation with interactive lab –

WRO-MIX: Dutch Diversity Code in Wroclaw

(free admission)

Presented by:

Jacek Rajewski - Cultuurarchitect Consultancy/ BINOQ ATANA

(presentation and lab in English, hand-outs and personal conversation in polish, English and dutch)

date: Friday, June 24th 2016

time: 13:45 – 14:45

place: Oratorium Marianum – University of Wrocław, Plac Uniwersytecki 1

this presentation is a part of:

International Conference Traces of Multiculturalism in Central Europe

June 21st – June 24th Oratorium Marianum – University of Wroclaw



Cultuurarchitect Consultancy is a Dutch project office for culture and society, founded by cultural producer Jacek Rajewski. Cultuurarchitect is specialised is expert management of cultural organisations and projects characterised by added value, creativity and social significance. The focus is on development of creative strategies where innovation, quality, diversity and cultural entrepreneurship play a central role.


BINOQ ATANA is an expert Dutch company specialised in consulting, networking, scientific research, development of high-quality trainings and (inter) national conferences. BINOQ is a leader in the area of cultural diversity and is active in the fields of culture and society.



see the presentation on Prezi:

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